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  3. Dr Tan Xiamen 加拿大大学 朱莉·拉奥 陈士偉博士 - YouTube

    网上预订 | Beijing TRT (janeapp.com)

    网上预订 | Total Vitality Centre (janeapp.com)

    让我们做一个Q和一个为每个人可以写给我们关于健康的问题--------604 813 8423 吃鱼不吸烟限制酒精限制咖啡

    6044288682 6047109668 6047703400

    dr tan 6048138423 https://www.youtube.com/@unpeacedralberteinsteinsze6395


    改善你的健康,但这里有一些简单的提示,你可以开始: 减少糖饮料的摄入量...

    减少糖饮料的摄入,如苏打、果汁和甜茶。 这些饮料是美国饮食中添加糖的主要来源,可以增加心脏病和2型糖尿病的风险 1. 吃坚果和种子。 它们充满了蛋白质、纤维和各种维生素和矿物质。 坚果可以帮助你减肥并降低患2型糖尿病和心脏病的风险 1. 避免超加工食品(UPFs),如零食蛋糕、快餐、冷冻食品、包装饼干和芯片。 UPFs是非常可口味的,这意味着它们很容易吃得过多,并可能导致肥胖、2型糖尿病、心脏病和其他慢性疾病 1. 经常锻炼。 身体活动如游泳、慢跑、步行和快速行走可以帮助减少体脂肪并改善健康 2. 跳跃也是一个伟大的身体活动,可以帮助减少腹部脂肪,加强腹部和臀部肌肉,调节心率和泵,建立耐力,改善肺功能和呼吸能力,减少体重,改善协调和集中,增加身体灵活性,加强骨骼 2. 得到足够的睡眠。 你的睡眠环境,和导致睡眠的活动,可能阻止你得到一个良好的睡眠。 改善睡眠卫生可以帮助你更好地睡觉 3. 增加你的水果和蔬菜摄入量。 它们富含维生素、矿物质和纤维,有助于降低慢性疾病的风险 1. 保持水分。 喝足够的水可以帮助维持体液的平衡,调节体温,并支持其他身体功能
    1. 减少糖和白面包等精制碳水化合物的摄入量。 精制碳水化合物可导致血糖水平上升,并有助于体重增加 1. 练习冥想。 冥想可以帮助减少压力、焦虑和抑郁,并改善整体福祉 3. 跟踪你的进展。 跟踪你的进展可以帮助你保持动力并实现你的健康目标 1. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/you/selling 芯片是受欢迎的零食,但它们不是最健康的食物选择。 根据《美国临床营养杂志》发表的一项研究,每周两次多吃薯片等烤土豆会增加你的死亡风险一倍。 芯片含有高水平的变脂、钠和饱和脂肪,可以增加慢性疾病的风险,如心脏病、肥胖、高血压和糖尿病123. 过度烹饪和烤土豆也可以释放化学物质。 有许多健康的食物,你可以纳入你的日常饮食。 以下是你应该每天吃的一些最佳食物1: 薄蛋白: 人們需要蛋白質來保持健康的生長和發育,並保持肌肉質量。 每餐吃蛋白质可以帮助平衡血糖水平,避免单独吃碳水化合物时可能发生的峰值。 这种方法可以帮助人们维持他们的能量水平和集中。 蛋白质的量... 一位医生-科学家和作家建议,我们应该专注于我们应该多吃的美味食物,然后营养素缺乏的品种变得更容易放弃。 以下是你应该多吃的五种食物及其营养不良的对应品,你应该尽量限制 1: 低血糖替代品如100%果汁和蒙克水果: 习惯阅读成分标签是避免添加糖的关键。 在购买水果时...吃水果蔬菜和更多维生素C的非加工食品 查看更多 一个人需要多少蛋白质取决于其性别、年龄和体重等因素。 根据USDA,成年人每天需要5-7盎司蛋白质。 一些常见的健康的蛋白质食品包括鸡肉、鸡乳、 tuna、、鸡蛋、豆油、豆汤、大豆或豆汉堡和豆腐。 十字花蔬菜:十字架蔬菜,如百花, 胡萝卜,, 花束, 和是丰富的维生素, 矿物质, 纤维。 它们还含有葡萄糖

    Dr Tan xiamen uiversity canada dr Julie Rao 陳士偉博士 - YouTube

    Book Online | Beijing TRT (janeapp.com)

    Book Online | Total Vitality Centre (janeapp.com)

    let do a q and a for everyone people can write us question about health --------604 813 8423 eat fish no smoking limit alcohol limit coffee

  4. Dr Tan Xiamen 加拿大大学 朱莉·拉奥 陈士偉博士 - YouTube

    网上预订 | Beijing TRT (janeapp.com)

    网上预订 | Total Vitality Centre (janeapp.com)

    让我们做一个Q和一个为每个人可以写给我们关于健康的问题--------604 813 8423 吃鱼不吸烟限制酒精限制咖啡

    6044288682 6047109668 6047703400

    dr tan 6048138423 https://www.youtube.com/@unpeacedralberteinsteinsze6395


    改善你的健康,但这里有一些简单的提示,你可以开始: 减少糖饮料的摄入量...

    减少糖饮料的摄入,如苏打、果汁和甜茶。 这些饮料是美国饮食中添加糖的主要来源,可以增加心脏病和2型糖尿病的风险 1. 吃坚果和种子。 它们充满了蛋白质、纤维和各种维生素和矿物质。 坚果可以帮助你减肥并降低患2型糖尿病和心脏病的风险 1. 避免超加工食品(UPFs),如零食蛋糕、快餐

  5. 快餐、冷冻食品、包装饼干和芯片。 UPFs是非常可口味的,这意味着它们很容易吃得过多,并可能导致肥胖、2型糖尿病、心脏病和其他慢性疾病 1. 经常锻炼。 身体活动如游泳、慢跑、步行和快速行走可以帮助减少体脂肪并改善健康 2. 跳跃也是一个伟大的身体活动,可以帮助减少腹部脂肪,加强腹部和臀部肌肉,调节心率和泵,建立耐力,改善肺功能和呼吸能力,减少体重,改善协调和集中,增加身体灵活性,加强骨骼 2. 得到足够的睡眠。 你的睡眠环境,和导致睡眠的活动,可能阻止你得到一个良好的睡眠。 改善睡眠卫生可以帮助你更好地睡觉 3. 增加你的水果和蔬菜摄入量。 它们富含维生素、矿物质和纤维,有助于降低慢性疾病的风险 1. 保持水分。 喝足够的水可以帮助维持体液的平衡,调节体温,并支持其他身体功能
    1. 减少糖和白面包等精制碳水化合物的摄入量。 精制碳水化合物可导致血糖水平上升,并有助于体重增加 1. 练习冥想。 冥想可以帮助减少压力、焦虑和抑郁,并改善整体福祉 3. 跟踪你的进展。 跟踪你的进展可以帮助你保持动力并实现你的健康目标 1. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/you/selling 芯片是受欢迎的零食,但它们不是最健康的食物选择。 根据《美国临床营养杂志》发表的一项研究,每周两次多吃薯片等烤土豆会增加你的死亡风险一倍。 芯片含有高水平的变脂、钠和饱和脂肪,可以增加慢性疾病的风险,如心脏病、肥胖、高血压和糖尿病123. 过度烹饪和烤土豆也可以释放化学物质。 有许多健康的食物,你可以纳入你的日常饮食。 以下是你应该每天吃的一些最佳食物1: 薄蛋白: 人們需要蛋白質來保持健康的生長和發育,並保持肌肉質量。 每餐吃蛋白质可以帮助平衡血糖水平,避免单独吃碳水化合物时可能发生的峰值。 这种方法可以帮助人们维持他们的能量水平和集中。 蛋白质的量... 一位医生-科学家和作家建议,我们应该专注于我们应该多吃的美味食物,然后营养素缺乏的品种变得更容易放弃。 以下是你应该多吃的五种食物及其营养不良的对应品,你应该尽量限制 1: 低血糖替代品如100%果汁和蒙克水果: 习惯阅读成分标签是避免添加糖的关键。 在购买水果时...吃水果蔬菜和更多维生素C的非加工食品 查看更多 一个人需要多少蛋白质取决于其性别、年龄和体重等因素。 根据USDA,成年人每天需要5-7盎司蛋白质。 一些常见的健康的蛋白质食品包括鸡肉、鸡乳、 tuna、、鸡蛋、豆油、豆汤、大豆或豆汉堡和豆腐。 十字花蔬菜:十字架蔬菜,如百花, 胡萝卜,, 花束, 和是丰富的维生素, 矿物质, 纤维。 它们还含有葡萄糖

    Dr Tan xiamen uiversity canada dr Julie Rao 陳士偉博士 - YouTube

    Book Online | Beijing TRT (janeapp.com)

  6. Book Online | Total Vitality Centre (janeapp.com)

    let do a q and a for everyone people can write us question about health --------604 813 8423 eat fish no smoking limit alcohol limit coffee
    Re: ICBC為治療提供多達12次就診,患者 無需 8111支付任何使費無需醫療转诊6047109668 . The treatments are covered by ICBC for up to 12 visits at no cost to the patient No medical referral is required Dr. Julie Rao Dr. TCM/ R.Ac 6047109668 6047703400 6044288682 >>>>> https://dralberttan.wixsite.com/mysite get saving<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 6047703400 6047109668 6044288682 save Dr. Julie Rao Dr. TCM/ R.Ac Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and chronic pains can be cured with her unique painless acupuncture treatment and advice on the usage of herbs. She is also good at helping people who have sub-health issues to enhance their immunity and bring them back to be healthy, fit and energetic again. We recommend you to try her amazing weight loss and cosmetic acupuncture treatments. We proudly to have Julie here helping patients with the following symptoms: High and low blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke; Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative convalescence; Morning sickness, inducing labor, fertility problems; Substance, tobacco and alcohol dependence; Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease; Some gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer, painful periods, dysentery, allergic rhinitis; Relieve pain such as headaches, migraines, facial pain, neck pain (stiff neck), rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, sprains, back pain, spine pain, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis. 饶艳桃(注册高级中医师、针灸师): 湖北中医药大学毕业,加拿大 BC省注册高级中医师、药剂师、针灸师。从业30余年并具备15年以上本地医疗经验。应用独特创新的无痛针灸技术治愈多例儿科、妇科、内科、外科疑难杂症,并为亚健康人士提供调养身体、能量支持,增强人体免疫力;儿童益智长高;妇科体质改善、月经调理、助孕,抗衰老;以及针灸减肥、美容;跌=?UTF-8?Q=?UTF-8?Q?


  7. 6044288682 6047109668 6047703400 dr julie rao

    dr tan 6048138423 https://www.youtube.com/@unpeacedralberteinsteinsze6395


    improve your health, but here are some simple tips that you can start with: Reduce your intake of sugary drinks ...

    improve your health, but here are some simple tips that you can start with:
    Reduce your intake of sugary drinks like sodas, fruit juices, and sweetened teas. These drinks are the primary source of added sugar in the American diet and can increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes 1.
    Eat nuts and seeds. They are packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Nuts may help you lose weight and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease 1. Avoid ultra-processed foods (UPFs) such as snack cakes, fast food, frozen meals, packaged cookies, and chips. UPFs are highly palatable, meaning they are easily overeaten, and can contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions 1. Exercise regularly. Physical activity like swimming, jogging, walking, and brisk walking can help reduce body fat and improve health 2. Skipping is also a great physical activity that can help reduce belly fat, strengthen the abdominal and thigh muscles, regulate heart rate and pumping, build up stamina, improve lung function and breathing capacity, reduce body weight, improve coordination and concentration, increase body flexibility, and strengthen the bones 2. Get enough sleep. Your sleep environment, and the activities leading up to sleep, may be keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep. Improving your sleep hygiene can help you get better sleep 3. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases 1. Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water can help maintain the balance of bodily fluids, regulate body temperature, and support other bodily functions
    1. Reduce your intake of refined carbs like sugar and white bread. Refined carbs can cause spikes in blood sugar levels and contribute to weight gain 1. Practice meditation. Meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall well-being 3. Track your progress. Keeping track of

  8. your progress can help you stay motivated and achieve your health goals 1. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/you/selling Chips are a popular snack, but they are not the healthiest food option. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating fried potatoes like chips more than twice a week can increase your mortality risk twofold. Chips contain high levels of trans fats, sodium, and saturated fat, which can increase the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes 123. Overcooking and frying potatoes can also release a chem… There are many healthy foods that you can incorporate into your daily diet. Here are some of the best foods that you should eat every day
    1: Lean Protein: People need protein for healthy growth and development and to maintain muscle mass. Eating protein at each meal can help balance blood sugar levels and avoid the spikes that may happen when eating carbohydrates on their own. This approach can help people maintain their energy levels and concentration. The amount of protein… a physician-scientist and author, suggests that we should focus on the delicious foods that we should be eating more of, then the nutrient-lacking varieties become easier to let go of. Here are five foods you should eat more of and their nutrient-devoid counterparts that you should try to limit 1: Low-Glycemic Alternatives Like 100% Juice and Monk Fruit: Getting in the habit of reading ingredient labels is key for avoiding added sugar. When purchasing fruit j…eat fruit vegetables and more vitamin c not processed food See more. The amount of protein a person needs depends on factors such as their sex, age, and weight. According to the USDA, adults need 5–7 ounces (oz) of protein each day. Some common healthy protein foods include turkey, chicken breast, tuna, salmon, eggs, peanut butter, lentil soup, soy or bean burger patty, and tofu. Cruciferous Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, radish, cauliflower, and kale are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain glucosinolates, which are sulfur-containing compounds that have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Different Colored Vegetables: Health experts including the American Heart Association (AHA) recognize the Mediterranean diet as one of the healthiest ways to eat. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. Different colored vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules known as free radicals. Berries: Berries are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules known as free radicals. Some common berries include blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and cranberries. Nuts: Nuts are rich in healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They also contain antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds. Some common nuts include almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pistachios. Incorporating these foods into your weekly meal plans can help you stay healthy and perform at your best. For example, you could try a 2-week rotating meal plan and vary your protein sources, vegetables, and berries. This adds variety and a range of nutrients to your diet 12. also • I believe you are referring to the anti-aging diet that Harvard Genetics Professor David Sinclair has been advocating.

  9. process. Moderate drinking is one drink per day for women (such as a 5-ounce glass of wine or 12-ounce glass of beer) and two drinks for men. • Instead, you can try a Mediterranean-style diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein. These foods can help fight inflammation and keep you looking your best 1. • Please note that while a healthy diet can help you maintain a youthful appearance, it is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, please consult a medical professional. • Albert Sze Wei Tan · Shared with Public I believe you are referring to the anti-aging diet that Harvard Genetics Professor David Sinclair has been advocating. According to a WebMD article, the following foods should be avoided to keep your skin youthful and your body healthy: Potato chips and french fries: Anything that’s deep-fried in oil can add to inflammation throughout your body. Especially avoid trans fats. Doughnuts and sugary pastries: They’re packed with sugar, which may be linked to the development of wrinkle YOUTUBE.COM Exercise guide ,dr Albert Einstein tan dr Julie Rao 6047109668 6048138423 Parade of fur tail friends, improve quality of life , book our therapist, laugh is the best , winner of joyscience award, dr Albert Einstein tan dr Julie Rao... L https://wwwtopdoctoryolasitecom.creator-spring.com/face... WWWTOPDOCTORYOLASITECOM.CREATOR-SPRING.COM wwwtopdoctoryolasitecom.creator-spring.com Like Comment Share Write a comment… • • • • • Albert Sze Wei Tan · Shared with Public The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) supports the idea of eating certain foods in moderation. That means it’s acceptable to eat something that isn’t good for you as long as you only eat a small amount and not very often 1. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy dietary pattern. Focus on eating lots of healthful foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, seafood, low-fat dairy (or another calcium source), lean meats, and poult… See more Like Comment Share Write a comment… • • • • • Albert Sze Wei Tan · YouTube · Shared with Public subscribe and share YOUTUBE.COM United Nations peace zero waste

    • If you are looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner in Vancouver, you can register for the Health Connect Registry 1. This registry is maintained by the British Columbia Ministry of Health and is used by family doctors and nurse practitioners to find new patients 1. You can register yourself and your family members by providing your personal health number (PHN), home address, email address, and phone number 1. Registration takes less than 5 minutes and can be done in… web or 811

  10. eat Eggs: A good source of protein and vitamin D 1.
    Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart and brain health 1.
    Apples: High in fiber and antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of chronic diseases 1.
    Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which may help improve memory and reduce the risk of heart disease 1.
    Spinach: A good source of vitamins A and C, iron, and folate 1.
    Avocado: Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help lower bad cholesterol 1.
    Broccoli: Contains sulforaphane, a compound that has been shown to have anti-cancer properties 1.
    Almonds: High in healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E 1.
    Olive oil: Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases 1.
    Oatmeal: A good source of fiber and protein, which help keep you full and satisfied 2.

  11. TCM stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is a broad range of medicine practices sharing common concepts which have been developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (tui na), exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy 12. If you have any specific questions about TCM, feel free to ask! dr rao 6047109668

  12. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), drinking warm water can help balance the body’s internal temperature and promote overall health 123. In TCM, the human body is believed to be made up of yin and yang elements, and a person remains healthy when these two forces are balanced 2. If the yang element becomes too strong, the body’s internal temperature rises, and the person becomes susceptible to illnesses 1. To treat these illnesses, the person must get rid of the extra yang, or the excess heat, by consuming food and drinks in the yin category 1. Hot water is considered a yin beverage and is believed to lower the body’s internal temperature, restoring balance and promoting health 12.

    Drinking warm water regularly can also strengthen digestive power and reduce metabolic waste 2. In contrast, consuming cold water may actually do more harm than good, as it can weaken the body’s digestive Qi 2.

  13. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the human sleep-wake cycle is regulated by the continuous circulation of wei qi, which is believed to travel in yang by day and in yin at night 12. When yang is depleting, yin will be in fullness, leading to sleepiness. And vice versa; when yin is at its end, yang will be abundant, resulting in wakefulness 2.

    TCM views the human sleep-wake cycle as a dynamic yet integral physiological state, with physicians using unique theories like yin and yang, qi circulation and spirit activity to understand and explain the sleeping process 1. The regular succession of daily or seasonal cycles is the primordial expression of the waxing and waning of yin and yang in the universe 1. The human body is programmed to live in harmony with the rhythm of nature as the Lingshu (The Vital Axis) states: “When yang qi is at its limit and yin qi is abundant, one’s eyes are closed. When yin qi is at its limit and yang qi is abundant, one is awake” 1.

    Rooted in TCM, our body’s various organs function and replenish themselves at different times of the day. During the course of the day, each organ has its own 2-hour slot, when it is most energetically active. During sleep, our Qi works inwardly and takes care of fully restoring the body 3.

  14. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), tea has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to promote health and well-being 123. TCM practitioners believe that tea can help balance the body’s internal temperature, promote digestion, and improve circulation 12.

    Different types of tea are believed to have different health benefits. For example, green tea is believed to help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer 4. Black tea is believed to help improve heart health and lower blood pressure 4. Oolong tea is believed to help improve digestion and boost metabolism 4.

    In TCM, tea is also believed to help rid the body of excess dampness and regulate blood sugar and fats 1. Drinking warm tea is believed to be particularly beneficial, as it can help balance the body’s internal temperature and promote overall health 123.

    If you’re interested in learning more about TCM and tea, you can visit the Tea Guardian website 1, Path of Cha website 2, or Té Company website 4.

  15. Dandelion tea has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to promote health and well-being 123. It is believed to have many health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving cholesterol levels, and fighting flu 3. Here are some of the ways dandelion tea could be good for you:

    It Reduces Water Weight: If you’re feeling bloated, dandelion tea could provide relief because it acts as a diuretic and increases urine output 1.
    It Could Promote Liver Health: Dandelion root has long been held as a “liver tonic” in folk medicine. Preliminary studies suggest this is due, in part, to its ability to increase the flow of bile. Naturopaths believe it means that dandelion root tea could help detoxify the liver, help with skin and eye problems, and relieve symptoms of liver disease 2.
    It Can Act As a Natural Coffee Substitute: The roots of young dandelion plants are roasted to a dark brown color. Then, after steeping in hot water and straining, it can be enjoyed as a coffee substitute 1.
    It May Help with Weight Loss: A recent Korean study suggests that dandelion could have similar effects on the body as the weight loss drug Orlistat, which works by inhibiting pancreatic lipase, an enzyme released during digestion to break down fat. Testing the impact of dandelion extract in mice revealed similar results, prompting researchers to recommend further study on the possible anti-obesity effects of dandelion 1.
    It May Soothe Digestive Ailments: Dandelion root tea can have many positive effects on your digestive system, although much of the evidence is anecdotal. It has historically been used to improve appetite, soothe minor digestive ailments, and possibly relieve constipation 1.
    Please note that dandelion tea is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have any specific health concerns, you should always talk with your doctor before trying any new remedies 123.

  16. gout ?eat too much red meat or liver!???? Gout is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid which gets deposited in the joints, often starting with that of the big toe 1. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), gout is associated with congenital deficiency and dysfunction of the spleen and kidney 2. In TCM, gout is classified as Bi pattern usually due to qi stagnation in the meridians and collaterals 34.

  17. Dizziness can be caused by a variety of factors, including inner ear problems, low blood pressure, and dehydration 123. The treatment for dizziness depends on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms. In some cases, lying still in a quiet, darkened room may help to ease any symptoms of nausea and reduce the sensation of spinning 1. In other cases, medication may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms 1.

  18. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers several treatments for dizziness, depending on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms. Acupuncture and herbal medicines are commonly used to treat dizziness 12345.

    TCM practitioners will prescribe a variety of herbal medicines as well as other treatments such as acupuncture based on the diagnosis of the patient 3. Gingko Biloba leaf extract is widely used in TCM to treat dizzy spells 3. There are various classical formulas used for vertigo and dizziness, including Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang, Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang and Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang 2.

    It’s important to consult a medical professional if you experience dizziness lasting for more than 15 minutes, chest pain, headache, vomiting sensation, or shortness of breath 12. A doctor will be able to diagnose the underlying cause of your dizziness and recommend appropriate treatment options 123.

  19. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers several treatments for chest pain, depending on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms. TCM practitioners will prescribe a variety of herbal medicines as well as other treatments such as acupuncture based on the diagnosis of the patient 1324 .

    It’s important to note that chest pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including heart problems, lung problems, gastrointestinal problems, and musculoskeletal problems 2. Therefore, it’s important to consult a medical professional to diagnose the underlying cause of your pain and recommend appropriate treatment options 12.

  20. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! According to a survey conducted in 2023, the three most commonly reported types of medical errors were diagnostic failure, surgical error, and medication errors 1. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) receives more than 100,000 reports every year that are related to medication errors. Medication errors can occur in pharmacies, hospitals, and patient homes 2. Dosage errors are the most common type of medication administration errors 2.

    It’s important to note that medical errors can have serious consequences and it’s crucial to consult a medical professional if you experience any symptoms or have any concerns 13.

    I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


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