
Showing posts from March, 2023

fundraising letter 2023 I, the undersigned, am writing to you on behalf of Dr julie rao dr albert tan lion international members organization, working towards the cause of providing adequate health and hygiene facilities to the all and children. I am the coordinator of the fundraising campaign that we organize every year, to gather funds which can be utilized towards our cause. You can send in your donation,or click above get our gift either by check,103 8400 lansdowne road richmond v6x 3g3 or by demand draft, drawn in favor of ‘world peace Kids Care Nation, World peace . You may also donate using etransfer All the money generated through our campaign will be used to provide healthy and hygienic food to children, especially from low income A significant portion of the proceeds will also go towards providing deprived children with adequate me...

what is nft >

is it new and how do you define value

fiverr how well do you use it

it is somethig new internet marketing can u understand r for a small fee use something other people can be better at

if u are from out of country and need to get nurse license there are ways to do it please contact us

Exercise program fitness for peace dr Julie Rao clinic and dr Albert tan
