fundraising letter 2023
I, the undersigned, am writing to you on behalf of Dr julie rao dr albert tan lion international members organization, working towards the cause of providing adequate health and hygiene facilities to the all and children. I am the coordinator of the fundraising campaign that we organize every year, to gather funds which can be utilized towards our cause.
You can send in your donation,or click above get our gift either by check,103 8400 lansdowne road richmond v6x 3g3 or by demand draft, drawn in favor of ‘world peace Kids Care Nation, World peace . You may also donate using etransfer
All the money generated through our campaign will be used to provide healthy and hygienic food to children, especially from low income A significant portion of the proceeds will also go towards providing deprived children with adequate medical aid and a cleaner environment. With the help of donations which we received last year, we have been able to make a difference to the lives of about 1,500 children.
I thank you in anticipation for considering our request for donating funds for the sake of underprivileged children. Together, we can make their lives much easier and better. If you have any queries about our organization or our work, please feel free to contact us at the address or the telephone number provided above.
--------604 813 8423
6047109668 . The treatments are covered by ICBC for up to 12 visits at no cost to the patient No medical referral is required Dr. Julie Rao
Dr. TCM/ R.Ac 6047109668 6047703400 6044288682 scholarship for school8111
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icbc dr juie raoDr. Julie Rao Dr. TCM/ R.Ac
Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and chronic pains can be cured with her unique painless acupuncture treatment and advice on the usage of herbs. She is also good at helping people who have sub-health issues to enhance their immunity and bring them back to be healthy, fit and energetic again. We recommend you to try her amazing weight loss and cosmetic acupuncture treatments.
We proudly to have Julie here helping patients with the following symptoms:
High and low blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke; Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative convalescence; Morning sickness, inducing labor, fertility problems; Substance, tobacco and alcohol dependence; Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease; Some gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer, painful periods, dysentery, allergic rhinitis; Relieve pain such as headaches, migraines, facial pain, neck pain (stiff neck), rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, sprains, back pain, spine pain, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis.
饶艳桃(注册高级中医师、针灸师): 湖北中医药大学毕业,加拿大 BC省注册高级中医师、药剂师、针灸师。从业30余年并具备15年以上本地医疗经验。应用独特创新的无痛针灸技术治愈多例儿科、妇科、内科、外科疑难杂症,并为亚健康人士提供调养身体、能量支持,增强人体免疫力;儿童益智长高;妇科体质改善、月经调理、助孕,抗衰老;以及针灸减肥、美容;跌打损伤,扭伤,急性、慢性痛症,
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--604 813 8423
fund live well clinic
we cure cancer aids pain east west medicine at its best
we are researcher that try to heal cancer and aids and depression
from me
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